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Stad Gent - City of Ghent 4.0


For the 'work and activation' service of the City of Ghent, we were engaged to give an online workshop on unconscious biases during the recruitment process for all Ghent companies. This as a way to promote inclusive workplaces and raise awareness and knowledge of Ghent organizations.

Our solutions

A powerful do-shop with concrete tools, tips and insights.

Various Ghent companies were invited by the City of Ghent and together we looked at:

  • Why is diversity in a company so important now (business case)?

  • The commonly used terms

  • The different types of biases

  • The different methods to free your recruitment process from biases

  • Inclusive communication in e.g. vacancy texts

  • And much more

Due to its success, this workshop was repeated several times.

The results

Techniques were taught to the public to recruit in an inclusive manner, enabling wider recruitment.

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